Thursday, June 13, 2024

Newsletter Excerpt, June 13, 2024 -- "Thinking Inside the Box"


This is a preview of the Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter, an e-mail newsletter about all things baseball, featuring analysis and opinion about the game on and off the field from the perspective of the informed outsider.

You can subscribe to the newsletter for one year for $79.95 using your PayPal account or major credit card.

Right now, the Brewers have a top-ten offense and a top-ten bullpen. Their starters...are 25th in FIP, 24th in K-BB%. They just need to not lose games for the team, and so far, they’re doing just that. The Brewers have used 12 starters, tied for most in baseball with the Braves, with Jared Koenig serving as an opener four times. The Brewers are down Wade Miley for the year, as well as DL Hall, Robert Gasser, and Joe Ross for the moment. Every quality start from the likes of Myers is big as they try to steal the NL Central.